terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011


What do you know about Mirandês, Portugal's second official language?

La Lhéngua Mirandesa, doce cumo ua meligrana, guapa i capechana, nun yê de onte, detrasdonte ou trasdontonte mas cunta cun uito séclos de eijistência.
     Sien se subreponer a la "lhéngua fidalga i grabe" l Pertués, yê tan nobre cumo eilha ou outra qualquiêra.
     Hoije recebiu bida nuôba.
Saliu de l absedo i de l cenceinho an que bibiu  tantos anhos. Deixou de s'acrucar, znudou-se de la bargonha, ampimponou-se para, assi, poder bolar, strebolar i çcampar l probenir.
     Agarrou l ranhadeiro para abibar l lhume de l'alma i l sangre dun cuôrpo bien sano.
Chena  de proua, abriu la puôrta de la sue priêça de casa, puso fincones ne l sou ser, saliu pa las ourriêtas i preinadas..
     Lhibre, cumo l reoxenhor i la chelubrina, yá puôde cantar, yá se puôde afirmar.
     A la par de l Pertués, a partir de hoije, yê lhuç de Miranda, lhuç de Pertual.
Texto de Apresentação do Projecto Lei de reconhecimento dos direitos linguísticos da Comunidade Mirandesa.
Assembleia da República
Lisboa, 17 de Setembro de 1998

7 comentários:

  1. Hi teacher. Is very dificult understand the text!
    João Semblano 10ºTGEI

  2. Yes, it is João!!
    What about a research to know a little more about it...

  3. Hi teacher!
    I understand some words in the text but the mixture of languages ( portuguese and spanish) complicates the meaning of the text ! But i agree with a second language in Portugal , he shows that in Portugal exist good things. The language is spoken in a small land call "Miranda do Douro" and about 15,000 people speak this language. An important milestone for these people was the launch of the book "Os lusiadas" in Mirandês. I think this shows that in our country we have very good things, and few people know. So let's go discover Portugal is a beautiful Country !I think we should all spend the vacations in our country ! PORTUGAL :D

    Jorge Rodrigues 10º MKT

  4. Hi teacher! I agree with Jorge, it's realy an language complicated to understand but many people knows how beautiful this second language is and talk that. Many peoople portuguese who doesn't speak mirandês should learn, because is a more language for us. Kisses :)

  5. Hello Jorge!
    I'm glad to see that you already know a few things about Mirandês. At least it's important to know that it is an official language in our country and part of our culture.
    It's a bit difficult, but let's try to say a few things in Mirandês... ;)

  6. Silvia,

    As I have suggested previously, let's see who is going to be the first one to say a few words in Mirandês...

  7. Hello teacher! This weekend I am studing that a little bit for tuesday tell you some words.. ;)
    Don't horry, me and Jorge are avaiable to do this! kisses
